1.   What is entomophagy? And what does it have to do with the Typhoon restaurant? 

2.   When was bubble gum first invented, and by whom?

3.   Who invented the microwave oven and what did candy in his pocket have to do with it?

4.   Who is the fastest recorded typist and how fast does she type?

5.   How old was the oldest recorded goldfish?

6.   How many muscles does a cat have in one ear?

7.   How many ridges does a dime have around the edges?

8.   What animal has the largest eyes in the world?

9.   How do you say "dog" in the Australian aboriginal language of Mbabaran?

10.  How many ways are there to make change for a dollar?

11.  Does a duck's quack echo?

12.  How do butterflies taste their food?

13.  How long can a snail sleep?

14.  What is deltiology ?

15.  How many letters are in the Hawaiian alphabet, and what are they?

16.  How long does it take to make a jellybean?

17.  What is the average lifespan of a major league baseball?

18.  Who is the only US president who remained a bachelor?

19.  What famous artist invented the parachute?

20.  How long does it take for an average person to fall asleep?

21.  What animal can't stick its tongue out?

22.  Which is the only state with one syllable?

23.  What is the only word in the English language that ends in the letters "mt"?

24.  Do amphibians see in color or black & white?

25.  What percent of the hunting does the female lion do?

26.  How long does a queen bee live?

27.  Is Kermit the frog left or right handed?

28.  Who invented the Band-aid and when was it invented?

29.  What is the largest creature without a backbone?

30. What mammal has the heaviest brain?

31.  What is the only mammal that can fly?

32.  How many eyelids does a cat have?

33.  What are the only creatures that walk moving front and hind legs together on one side, then the other?

34.  Who wrote the song "Happy Birthday to You?"

35.  What mammal has the largest teeth?

36.  What animal has the strongest jaws?

37.  Do sharks ever run out of teeth?

38.  How many fingers does a bat have?

39.  What is the world's smallest mammal?

40.  What color is a Blue Jay's feathers?

41. What is the Missouri state bird?

42.  What is the Florida state bird?

43.  What is the biggest bird in the world?

44.  What is the shortest snake in the world?

45.  What is the biggest butterfly in the world?

46.  Is Harry Potter an archimage?

47.  Why does popcorn pop?

48.   What is sui generis, and are you sui generis?

49.   What color is a polar bear's fur?

50.  How big was the largest pumpkin pie ever made?

51.  What is an octothorpe?

52.  What is a pundit, and do you consider yourself a pundit?

53.  What is Barbie's full name?

54.  Do porcupines sink or float in water?

55.  What is a group of owls called?

56.  What is an aglet? 

57.  Why did Babe Ruth wear a lettuce leaf under his hat during games?

58.  What it is a Euro?

59.  What is the world's smallest frog?

60.  What is the world's largest frog?

61.  What does taekwondo translate to?

62.  What is Lorem Ipsum?

63.  What is a lipogram?  Please write a sentence demonstrating a lipogram.

64.  What is a singlet and in what sport is it used?

65.  What is a half nelson?